Visible Edge Institute (VEI-I) is a Licensed Post-Secondary Educational Institution. We’re licensed to operate by both the US Department of Education and the Higher Education Commission; a coordinating state agency working with colleges, universities and career schools to protect students and promote education through financial aid.

All of our education and training programs are scalable to your specific funding size or budget.

Subscription and exam costs are also included in your budget. If you’re in need of a computer or any additional technology to complete your training, ask us about our loaner systems or hardware. We offer these technologies to students when available. Our team can inform you on potential funding to cover additional technology costs.

For more information on our Program Structure & Pricing, please visit our Education & Training page or our School Catalog & Policies.

WIOA Grants (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act)
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, or WIOA, improves and educates our public workforce system and helps individuals get into high-quality jobs or career paths. Simultaneously, it also helps employers hire and retain skilled workers for their companies. WIOA ensures that the unemployed have access to high-quality workforce services, as well as helping job seekers acquire industry-recognized credentials for in-demand jobs. WIOA Grants help drive economic growth and initiate business expansion by ensuring the workforce system is job-driven and can match employers with skilled individuals. The federal government provides significant funding to states for workforce system programs covered by WIOA Grants. Federal funding is also provided through competitive grants. If you’ve been approved for WIOA Grants or training funds, your training may be completely supported by the government – with no out-of-pocket costs to you.

WIOA combines the core programs of Federal investment in skill development…
– Employment services and/or training for adults, dislocated workers, and youth and Wagner-Peyser employment services administered by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) through formula grants to states.
– Adult education and family literacy programs – as well as State Vocational Rehabilitation Services programs that assist eligible individuals with disabilities in obtaining employment; both core programs are administered by the U.S. Department of Education.
– WIOA can also authorize programs for certain vulnerable populations, including (but not limited to) the Job Corps, YouthBuild, Indian and Native Americans, and Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker programs. WIOA additionally authorizes other programs administered by U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Student Loans and Financing
Visible Edge Institute offers both short-term and long-term finance options for all of our Education & Training programs. Ask us about our student loan and financing options.